Celebrating Scientific Brilliance and Cultural Openness

MILSET ESI, a globally recognized Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) fair, brings together young scientists from around the world to showcase their innovative projects. The Best Delegation Award is a coveted honour, recognizing not just the scientific acumen of a team but also their openness toward other cultures and embodiment of the MILSET spirit.

Team Canada-MILSET, comprising a diverse group of young scientists, distinguished themselves through their groundbreaking projects and presentations. Their work reflected not only scientific ingenuity but also a deep respect for and interest in global perspectives.


A Legacy of Excellence

The award’s criteria—encompassing quality of projects, helpfulness, interactivity, and active participation—were met and exceeded by Team Canada-MILSET. Their behaviour, both as participants and ambassadors of their country, was exemplary, demonstrating a genuine eagerness to engage with peers from different cultural backgrounds.

“Winning this award again, after our 2009 award, is a reaffirmation of Canada’s strong presence in the international STEM community and our youth’s ability to inspire and collaborate across borders,” said Dominic Tremblay, Team Canada-MILSET lead chaperone.


Inspiring Future Generations

This award at MILSET ESI 2023 is a moment of pride and a beacon of inspiration for future Canadian scientists. Team Canada’s achievement underlines the importance of nurturing scientific talents and fostering a spirit of global citizenship among young minds.

As Team Canada returns home, they bring back an award and a renewed commitment to leveraging science for the global good and continuing to build bridges across cultures.


About MILSET Expo-Sciences International (ESI)

ESI is an initiative of the International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology (MILSET). This non-governmental, non-profit, and politically independent youth organization aims to develop a scientific culture among young people by organizing science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) programs.


A large group of young people wearing red and white, with many holding Canadian flags, posing for a photo at MILSET ESI 2024. They are standing and sitting in several rows, smiling and looking at the camera. In the background, there are banners with logos.
