About Team Canada-MILSET 2025

MILSET Expo-Sciences International (ESI) is a weeklong international youth STEM project exhibition, bringing together 1000 youth from around the world, with a focus on communication, cooperation, networking, and sociocultural interchange, rather than competition.

In addition to the project expo, the participant program includes cultural and scientific visits, leisure activities, workshops, presentations, lectures, as well as opportunities for youth to address global STEM-related issues. National youth STEM program leaders meet during the event to share and discuss best practice in STEM promotion and education.

MILSET ESI is held every two years. The next event will be held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates from September 27 to October 3, 2025.



Canada-Wide Science Fair and Team Canada-ISEF finalists who will be in Grades 9-12 (Secondary 3-5 and Cégep 1 or 2 in Québec) in September 2025, and who will be at least 14 years of age on September 27, 2025, will be eligible to apply for a place on Team Canada-MILSET 2025. The estimated cost per participant is $2,500, including return airfare, accommodation, meals, program, and team identity materials. Youth Science Canada will coordinate registration and travel, and will coordinate the selection of adult supervision for the delegation. Chaperones must be at least 26 years of age on September 27, 2025 to be eligible to apply. Please note that selected participants are responsible for organizing and paying for their own travel to and from the departure airport. This is an additional expense that is not included in the participation fee (return flights from the departure airport to Abu Dhabi are included, and the entire team will travel together).



Applications for CWSF and TC-ISEF alumni who wish to apply to join the team will open in the spring. Applications for adult chaperones to accompany TC-MILSET ESI are now open and are due by June 14, 2025.

Note: All MILSET ESI participants must be selected by a MILSET member organization like Youth Science Canada. Direct applications to MILSET are not permitted.
