STEM Fairs

Youth across Canada are able to take their STEM projects to the next level by participating in STEM fairs. These competitions include local or regional fairs, the Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF), and various international opportunities.



Find your local regional STEM fair that is affiliated with Youth Science Canada! These affiliated regional fairs are able to send finalists to the Canada-Wide Science Fair to compete in May.



Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF) is Canada’s national STEM fair that brings together the country’s top young scientists in grades 7-12.



Youth Science Canada organizes Team Canada delegations who represent the country at international STEM fairs, expositions, and events. Find out more about our international activities!

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Powered by ProjectBoard

Youth Science Canada, and many of our affiliated regional STEM fairs, is proud to partner with ProjectBoard, bringing an innovative virtual showcase to our in-person STEM fairs. This collaboration enables us to extend the reach of our events, offering Canadian youth the opportunity to showcase their projects online, engage with a national and global audience, and receive valuable feedback. With ProjectBoard’s platform, we enhance the STEM fair experience by combining the excitement of live interactions with the accessibility and convenience of virtual participation. Join us in celebrating the future of STEM celebration through this dynamic partnership.
