Youth Science Canada News

Insights from the Canada-Wide Science Fair: Celebrating Youth Innovation and STEM Excellence

The Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF) is a pivotal event for young scientists and innovators across the country. Each year, it brings together bright minds, dedicated educators, and passionate volunteers to celebrate scientific inquiry and discovery. Following the event, Youth Science Canada conducted a comprehensive survey to capture the experiences and feedback of various groups in attendance, including finalists, delegates, judges, volunteers, STEM Expo exhibitors, and visiting educators. Here are the key findings from the survey, reflecting the vibrant and impactful nature of CWSF 2024 in Ottawa.

Engaging Finalists and Inspiring STEM Careers

The finalists at CWSF are the heart of the event, showcasing their groundbreaking projects and innovative solutions. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive, with 92% expressing an increased interest in STEM careers as a result of their participation. Many finalists highlighted personal interests, concerns about societal issues, and a desire to help others as key motivations for their projects. The event not only provided a competitive environment but also a collaborative one, with finalists spending their time interacting, trading ideas, and being inspired by each other’s projects.

“Redefining STEM is a topic I’m so happy to see so many of my peers take an interest in. If I had known about the opportunity to join CWSF, I would have started my fair events in earlier grades! It’s such an exciting experience to see so many of our country’s youth take pride in their passions and achievements. CWSF is such an amazing platform for all these incredible and innovative minds that it has fuelled my confidence in our future with STEM.”

Delegates Applaud the Organization and Support

Delegates, who play a crucial role in supporting finalists, reported high levels of satisfaction with the resources and information provided by Youth Science Canada. The pre-CWSF orientation webinars and guides were particularly useful in preparing both delegates and finalists for the event. Many delegates shared their appreciation for the professional development sessions, particularly the Murder Mystery, Forensic Keynote and Smarter Science workshops.

“One week a year, I get to celebrate some kids’ hard work, congratulate them on their achievements, and support them in the kind of higher level thinking and strive for excellence I wish I could get out of all my students.”

Educators Embrace Hands-On Learning

Visiting educators attend CWSF to support their students and gain new insights into STEM education. Educators who attended the fair reported strong curriculum links and opportunities to witness Canada’s best youth STEM talent. The hands-on science activities and STEM career exploration sessions were particularly well-received. Teachers brought students from Grades 4 – 12 and appreciate the wide range of engagement and learning opportunities. 60% of the visiting educators observed that their students were more motivated and engaged in STEM subjects after attending the CWSF. The overall experience was rated highly, with many educators eager to return for future events.

“Thank you for organizing the school visits during events like CWSF. It’s wonderful to see students getting hands-on experiences in STEM fields.”

Judges Highlight Preparation and Collaboration

Judges at CWSF are responsible for assessing the projects and providing valuable feedback. In the lead-up to the fair, judges found the online orientation videos and project examples particularly helpful in preparing for their roles. Many judges appreciated the collaborative environment and the opportunity to engage with the young scientists. The majority felt well-prepared and expressed a strong interest in returning as judges in future fairs.

“It was a wonderful experience. I enjoyed learning! It was nice to meet the other judges and the judge administration team, but the most important thing was the hope I have for the future from meeting these enthusiastic young people who are dedicated and interested in solving the challenges we are facing.”

Exhibitors Connect with the Youth

The STEM Expo at CWSF allows STEM-related organizations, companies and groups to connect with finalists and visiting students over a shared passion for STEM. 89% of the exhibitors at the STEM Expo felt they had achieved their primary goal of increasing awareness among youth and educators for their organization and programs. Many exhibitors were satisfied with the level of visitor engagement and the overall atmosphere of the exhibit hall. The feedback highlighted the value of the fee and the communication and support from Youth Science Canada.

“We were blown away by the curiosity and level of engagement of the students who came by our booth… It was also inspiring to see the excellent research projects presented so professionally by the students!”

Volunteers: The Backbone of CWSF

Volunteers are essential to the success of CWSF, ensuring everything runs smoothly. The feedback from volunteers highlighted a strong sense of contribution and satisfaction, with 91% rating their experience positively. Many volunteers appreciated the organization and communication throughout the event and enjoyed the teamwork and camaraderie with fellow volunteers and staff. The overwhelming interest in future participation underscores the rewarding nature of being part of this inspiring event.

“Seeing the vast amount of our youth from across Canada getting involved in this event was amazing! I was in awe of their projects and their achievements. “

Looking Forward to Future CWSF Events

The survey results from the Canada-Wide Science Fair 2024 highlight the profound impact the event has on all participants. From finalists and delegates to judges, exhibitors, and educators, the CWSF experience fosters learning, inspiration, and a sense of community. With such positive feedback from all participants, we’re already planning for the next Canada-Wide Science Fair events in Fredericton (2025) and Edmonton (2026). We are committed to continually improving the experience and ensuring that the CWSF remains a highlight for young scientists across Canada.

The success of the CWSF 2024 in Ottawa demonstrates the importance of celebrating youth in STEM and providing opportunities for students to explore their interests and showcase their talents. Youth Science Canada remains dedicated to fostering a love for STEM through STEM projects among Canadian youth.
