Youth Science Canada News

YSC releases 2021-2022 Annual Report

Youth Science Canada is pleased to present its annual report for the 2022 fiscal year, ending June 30, 2022.

Although the global pandemic continued challenging youth programs and events throughout 2021 and 2022, we witnessed awe-inspiring creativity and ingenuity as the country’s young scientists continued to discover and innovate, building towards a better tomorrow.


“The past few years have reinforced the importance of STEM in answering essential questions and developing solutions to urgent problems. YSC responded to the challenge of the global pandemic by enabling virtual STEM projects, fairs, and online support for youth getting started with STEM projects. As we return to in-person activities and events, we are excited by the potential of hybrid projects and events to enable every young Canadian to share their curiosity and ingenuity.” – Reni Barlow, Executive Director, Youth Science Canada

Quick Facts

  • Canada-Wide Science Fair 2022 was the 60th anniversary of the CWSF
  • 371 finalists with 324 projects participated in the 2022 Canada-Wide Science Fair
  • 39,679 students registered for virtual field trips to CWSF and STEM Expo 2022
  • YSC launched the purpleSTEMwave, a call to action for Canada’s youth to apply their natural curiosity to investigate scientific questions & develop innovative solutions to current & future challenges


Read the full report by clicking on the image below:
