The Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair (GVRSF) is the regional science fair for 10 school districts in the Lower Mainland area. It is open to over 100,000 students from grades 7 to 12 attending public, independent, private and home schools. The GVRSF is a registered charity and non-profit organization (BN: 832888564RR0001) run by a diverse group of dedicated volunteers passionate about education in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM).


Our Mission

To encourage youth to conduct research and experimentation in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.


Our Fair

  • Encourages 100,000+ youth in our region to conduct creative inquiry-based projects
  • Hosts 300+ students who are keen and invested in today’s scientific and technological developments
  • Provides $45,000+ in cash, prizes, trips and scholarship awards
  • Awards top projects the Grand Award of progressing to the Canada-Wide Science Fair
  • Offers various student and educator workshops, research lab tours, and fun student activities



Take a look at this checklist to make sure that you’re eligible to compete at the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair (GVRSF).

      1. Have a project or idea.
      2. The project is the work of one or two students from start to completion.
      3. Be in grades 7 to 12, as indicated in your BC Ministry Form 1701 at the start of the school year.
      4. Be registered in a public, private, independent, or home school in the following areas or school district numbers. See the highlighted areas on the maps below.
        • Richmond (38)
        • Vancouver (39) – Public School students are required to compete in the Vancouver District Science Fair first.
        • New Westminster (40)
        • Burnaby (41)
        • Coquitlam (43)
        • North Vancouver (44)
        • West Vancouver (45)
        • Gibsons/Sechelt (46)
        • Powell River (47)
        • Squamish/Whistler (48)
      5. The project complies with or will comply with all GVRSF rules governing ethical research and safety.
      6. You have approval from your science teacher for your GVRSF application.
      7. You have been selected to advance from a school or district science fair competition, where applicable.


Make a Donation

We are 100% volunteer-run registered charity in Canada (BN: 832888564RR0001). Help us support students’ project-based science education by making a donation:

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