Dear future innovators and discoverers,

I want you to imagine a world where learning is not confined to textbooks and classrooms but a thrilling journey of exploration and discovery. Picture a young explorer venturing into the depths of a dense, untouched jungle, armed with nothing but their insatiable curiosity. Let’s embark on an expedition into the realm of “experiential learning” and unveil how STEM projects offer the most exhilarating path to acquiring new skills and nurturing your boundless curiosity.

Our intrepid explorer begins their quest in the heart of the dense jungle. The air is thick with mystery, and every step through the underbrush reveals a hidden wonder. This adventurer knows that the jungle cannot be truly understood by reading about it in a book. It must be experienced, felt, and lived. With each encounter with unique flora and fauna, they learn, adapt, and grow. It’s a journey of hands-on, immersive learning that leaves an indelible mark on their soul.

Experiential learning is more than just acquiring knowledge; it’s the art of engaging with the world firsthand. It’s about diving headfirst into real-life challenges, experimenting, making mistakes, and emerging wiser and more capable. In STEM, this means embarking on projects that push the boundaries of your understanding and allowing your curiosity to be your guiding star.

So…will you join us on this adventure?


💬 Discussion of the Month 🗨️

What are the advantages and disadvantages of international cooperation in space exploration? Could it set guidelines for collaboration on Earth?

Let me know your thoughts by sending me an email or joining the discussion in the purpleSTEMwave Discord server.


STEM Opportunities

I’ve collected some upcoming STEM opportunities that you might be interested in:

  • SOI Expedition Application Deadline – January 31
    Students on Ice expedition programs create global youth leaders through transformative experiential opportunities. Apply now!
  • Let’s Talk Space Rocks – February 8, 12:30 – 2:00PM ET
    Join a revolutionary panel of speakers, including CSA astronaut Jenni Gibbons to explore how rocks can be out of this world! Register here.
  • Ingenious+ Youth Innovation Challenge Deadline – February 22
    Ingenious+ gives youth in Canada aged 14 to 18 the opportunity to innovate for good, and to share strategies for improving our world. Learn more here.
  • Let’s Talk Science Fiction- February 29, 12:30-2:00PM ET
    Join Let’s Talk Science as they explore the development of innovative technologies and the intersection between STEM and science fiction. Register here.


If you know of other upcoming events, opportunities or programs for Canadian youth interested in STEM, I’d love for you to send me an email or submit it here.



I recently interviewed Yohan Lefol, CWSF alum and a wonderful supporter of the students in the purpleSTEMwave Discord server. Yohan is working as a researcher on bioinformatics for various medical projects in Oslo, Norway, but his academic journey has certainly been an adventure. His story is a testament to the power of exploration, adaptability, and the pursuit of one’s true passion in STEM. Read the full interview in the upcoming YSC Annual Report.


Fun Stuff That’s Caught My Attention Recently

If you have something to share, fill out this form
  • It’s all connected! Experiential learning often leads to deeper comprehension and substantial knowledge acquisition. Read on to learn a few ways the world works.
  • The little helicopter that could…can’t any longer. The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter has defied all expectations and we should celebrate it’s achievements. Watch the announcement here.
  • Research shows that soundscapes of forests, rivers and meadows aid wellbeing, even when purely digital. I’d love to know if you have any favourite playlists that combine music and sounds of nature.


As you journey into the world of experiential learning, remember that each adventure is a chapter in the story of your personal growth. Every challenge you embrace is a stepping stone on your path to becoming a lifelong learner, a true explorer of the world, and a passionate champion of curiosity.

Feel free to share your experiences, and let’s embark on this thrilling journey of discovery together!


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